
Contact us on +356 2144 8162 or info@merit-trading.com

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About Merit Trading


We have been supplying the Maltese market with commercial stationary and office products since 1975. We apply the same business ethics today that have held us in good stead for over 35 years. Our focus has always been entirely customer based. Prompt telephone answering, friendly service and excellent product knowledge frequently result in compliments from customers.

Our company offers business equipment and supplies cost reduction solutions for our customers. With competitive pressure increasing, core business activities need to be the focus of management attention. Office products rarely end up the management agenda but can be a huge drain on company resources.

We specialize in taking the cost out of supplying office products to your organization, through a wide range on intelligent solutions. With our cost reduction and eProcurement programmer we will harness technology to reduce your expenditure and increase your in-house productivity by simply automating your day-to-day ordering procedures.

Our Account Managers and our Customer Service Team will always be there to help you, providing that personal touch, so often overlooked in today's hectic business environment. Working to common objectives we will identify the opportunities to reduce costs in your business, improve control and maximise workplace performance.

Our whole team are committed to provide exceptional customer service to you, our customer! Needless to say, a competitive offer is a prerequisite to do business. Delivery is inclusive anywhere in the Maltese Island and we have no minimum order quantity.


Jeff Grech